Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Day 3 - Shortlandsend to Castle-an-Dinas (16 miles approx)

Today was due to be a light day of walking but as Darren and I (yes, Darren was fixed for today!) ticked off the miles we decided to go further and further.
We stopped at a fantastic place called Viners Bar and Restaurant at Carvynick's where we were greeted by Cindy Ferguson. Cindy, amongst her other chores, was front of house and pulled a great pint (Doom bars again!)
Cindy has a son and was really chatty with a warm personality. She had recently done a 12 hour relay bike challenge with her son and showed great interest in what we were doing and what I will be doing going forward. On top of showing great interest Cindy and her Son donated £10 each towards the cause. Amazing generosity. If ever you are travelling to the South West UK be sure to drop in to Viners Bar and Restaurant (www.vinersrestaurant.co.uk) great food and drink and hospitality.
Our spirits fully charged we set off towards Bodmin. Again the miles passed but we got to around 12 miles and our short walk was turning into something greater than we expected. Although we trudged on we agreed to call it a day at mile 15.... But...
At mile 15 we were faced with a grass covered public footpath. If we'd stopped there my first steps in the morning would be sodden ones. We decided to do the seemingly short public footpath but it was unkempt and hard going. We had to use my walking sticks to bash a path through but we prevailed! (amazon rain forest it wasn't but it still was not needed at the end of a hard day). Still... 16 miles done today. Success!
Tomorrow I'm going lightweight again but with boots. Hoping for 20+ miles.
Oh, and no chaffing today woohoo!


  1. hope those gnomes didnt delay you too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey there thanks for such great praise especially for the link. Glad to also see that you have used the "ISH" in your blog title it really helps .... especially near the end "how much further to go ?" "about 10 miles ish" Good luck glad we can follow your progress. remember Lance Armstrong !! cindy
