Sunday, 21 August 2011

Day 22 pt 2 - The Fleece Inn

Sitting outside The Fleece Inn and feeling pretty happy with the "rest day" effort, I waited for a bus into Huddersfield. The sun shone and a pint of Banks's wet my whistle. I'd been sat there thinking about the previous 24 hours events when who should show up but Mr Whiteley and family and friends. 400+ miles in and I think I may have found the nicest people ever. We all sat and chatted (my bus sailed by - oops, missed that!) and generally passed the time of day. It was so nice to be able to sit, chat, and laugh with other people (I don't recommend sitting, chatting, and laughing on your own - the men in White coats will be round.)

Michael Addis donated £20; Jitka Roberts and John Holroyd donated £20; and Roy Farrar put £5 in the appeal. I'd asked people to note their names down and I'm not sure who wrote "tight arse!" next to Roy's name but it's simply not true. Every penny going to this appeal helps massively so I thank them all. Not only for your contribution financially but for putting a smile on my face. You are great people. I'll be back one day to buy you a pint in The Fleece!


  1. Now come on Daimon you seem to be more right arm lifting and chatting, toooo much of a distraction. No mate enjoy all those conversations with whom ever you meet, it's the spice of life AND don't forget Good Friends are like STARS you don't have to see them to know they are there. We are all with you in spirit all the way.

  2. Hi what a bonus wkend eh? and two blogs,,,,great. you did not confirm if you did get your SHOES, A pint amoung friends far more important,good on yer, happy walking, walk strong sing loud.

  3. That's my Bruv!! priority priority priority!!!
    Beer first, beer second shoes if you get time.....
    Life is good - so make sure you enjoy it.
